Srinagar, January 17, 2023 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference has said that the present dispensation in India led by Narendra Modi is snatching properties and lands of Muslims and Dalits particularly in Jammu region. APHC leaders Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori, Zamrooda Habib, Yasmeen Raja, Fahrida Behanji, Dr Musaib, Davinder Singh Behal and Maulana Sajid Nadvi in their statements in Srinagar and Jammu said, the Hindutva regime is conspiring to root out Muslims and Dalits from Jammu region.

The leadership said the hidden agenda of Hindutva organizations under the umbrella of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is to thrust Hindu fascism in the Muslim majority Jammu and Kashmir. “As far as our geographical, cultural and religious affiliations are concerned, Kashmir in no way are a part of India, and people of Kashmir never accepted Indian illegal military occupation and their so-called instrument of accession,” the leaders said. They urged political parties, groups and individuals to desist from lending a hand to Hindutva politics to alter the Muslim majority character of Jammu and Kashmir, as Kashmiris are rendering unparalleled sacrifices for the sacred cause of right to self-determination.

The resistance leaders called the situation in occupied Kashmir as volatile and said apart from instilling fear of the Indian forces in people to dissuade them from their political struggle, all space for the resistance leadership has been chocked and leaders are being pressured to stop representing the sentiments of the Kashmiri people.

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