Srinagar, November 17, 2020 (PPI-OT): Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference Chairman Shabbir Ahmad Dar has strongly condemned the ongoing Indian state terrorism in illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Shabbir Ahmad Dar in a statement issued in Srinagar, today, said the demolition of residential structures of Gujjar Bakerwals on the higher reaches is manifestation of the worst violation of human rights.

“The place is a green zone marked by the forest and pollution control departments decades ago,” he said while reacting to the media reports about the demolition of houses and huts of Muslim bakarwals in upper reaches of Pahalgam in Islamabad district.

The people who are facing the brunt of the whole state terrorism have been residing for more than a century and are guarding this precious place of forest land from land mafia and smugglers, he added. “This green belt cannot be used for commercial activities but the fascist government of Modi is flouting all local and international laws to carry forward its nefarious agenda of getting non Kashmiris settled in the territory. The move he said will be resisted at every level and every cost.

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