Lahore, June 22, 2020 (PPI-OT): Speaker Punjab Assembly Ch. Parvez Elahi called on Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar at his office here on Monday. Both discussed different matters of mutual interest. Ch. Parvez Elahi congratulated the CM for presenting a relief-oriented budget while the chief minister appreciated the efforts of Ch. Parvez Elahi for amicably administering the session. Both reiterated the commitment to jointly work for serving the masses and also expressed their satisfaction over the best working relationship.

The CM gave in-principle approval to the project of 500-bed mother-and-child hospital in Gujrat. This project has been proposed by the speaker Punjab assembly and the CM assured to provide funds on a priority basis. He stated that mother-and-child hospitals are also being established in other districts to support the wellness of mothers and their children.

The CM added that allies will remain an ally and alliance will be further strengthened. The alliance with PML-Q is even-more stronger and the relationship has been further improved, he affirmed. Those who are waiting for any dent will be disappointed as both will remain united forever. No conspiracy of those creating misconceptions will ever succeed and the mission of public service will be continued along with allies, he emphasised and further stated that the journey of public service will be moved forward with accelerated speed. The opposition has no public welfare agenda and is rather engaged in politics over non-issues. The CM added.

Speaker Parvez Elahi announced to forever side with Chief Minister Usman Buzdar adding that they are standing shoulder to shoulder with PTI in the journey of public service. The opposition has no welfare agenda nor any planning to deal with coronavirus, he added. He regretted that the past rulers made enmity with the people by stopping the landmark projects of his tenure. We only believe in public service and will continue to work jointly for providing relief to the masses, he said. The designs of those trying to dent the alliance will not be materialized. Chief Minister Usman Buzdar is serving the masses with diligence, he added. Moonis Elahi MNA, Provincial Minister Mian Mahmood-ur-Rasheed and Secretary Punjab Assembly Muhammad Khan Bhatti were also present on this occasion.

For more information, contact:
Office of the Chief Minister of Punjab
8-Club Road, GOR-I, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-99205562-3
Fax: +92-42-99205561