Islamabad, November 08, 2020 (PPI-OT): Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Climate Change, Malik Amin Aslam has said that tackling smog-forming pollutant sources is the most effective way to quell the the smog that causes serious health hazards during winter months. Talking to media in Islamabad, he said that burning of rice crop residue, dirty fuel in traditional brick kilns, solid waste burning, existing aging urban transport system; factories are the causative factors of smog.

The Special Assistant said technology is being introduced across the country under the government’s ambitious national project ‘Mechanised Management of Rice Crop Residue’ for which 30 billion rupees are being spent. He said that efforts including curbing emissions from factories, closing brick kilns and fining polluting vehicles and farmers burning rice stubble in the winter would be needed for effectively controlling the smog problem.

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