Srinagar, January 16, 2023 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, National Conference leader Mustaffa Kamal has said that both the 2016 Uri attack and 2019 Pulwama attack were planned by the Modi-led Indian government, which experts said were carried out to defame Pakistan. Mustaffa Kamal, who is brother of party chief Farooq Abdullah, in a statement in Srinagar further said that there were no photos or bodies of the [killed] soldiers, and that all those who lost their lives were from the Scheduled Caste (SC) categories.

“It is certain now that they (attacks) were planned by the Government of India. We didn’t see their photos and bodies and it is clear that all those 30-40 (soldiers) were SCs,” Kamal was quoted as saying. Reiterating Abdullah’s demand for setting up the ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’, the NC leader said the “truth” behind the attacks will reveal after an investigation is conducted.

“Till the time it is clarified who is to blame, not one but all five fingers are pointing at the Government of India,” he added. India saw two of the deadliest terror attacks of the decade in 2016 and 2019. An army camp was attacked by heavily armed men in Kashmir’s Uri on September 18, 2016, killing 17 soldiers. On February 14, 2019, a CRPF convoy was attacked in Pulwama, killing 44 soldiers.

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