6th Pakistan CIO Summit on April 3

KARACHI: The 6th Pakistan CIO Summit & Expo is set to be inaugurated by Chief Guest Governor Sindh, Mohammad Zubair on April 3, 2018. T

he event is being organized by Solutions Inc with Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi as its Academic Strategic Partner.

The Summit theme this year is ‘CIOs and the Challenge of Disruptive Technologies’ and will be attended by more than 289 delegates representing 163 Companies including 211 CIOs, IT Heads, C-Level Executives and IT Managers. The delegates include CIOs, CISO, Director, IT Heads, Senior Managers, IT Managers, Industry Experts, Decision Makers, Policy Makers and Academia.

Centre of Information & Communication Technology, IBA Karachi would hold a session on Crypto currency and Block chain in which visionary leaders, economic pioneers and enterprising investors will discuss the future of our financial Sector, innovative possibilities of block chain, disruptive technologies and a looks at the transformative impact of crypto currencies on the financial landscape. This session is a part of IBA Karachi’s commitment to work for a better future and generating human resources to block chain technology makes it the ideal place to come together to consider the possibilities and opportunities of a block chain-enabled future.

As per Director ICT & CICT- IBA, Imran Batada, IBA’s participation as Exclusive “Academic Strategic Partner” will provide a focus on the power of transformative technologies and how ICOs should re-shape the landscape of finance and investment to capitalize on a new era of wealth creation. Also IBA will launch its series of diploma program designed exclusively for the Senior IT & IS Managers and C-Level Executive to enhance their capabilities, specializations and give a brief insight of untouched courses and technologies.

This Summit theme this year is ‘CIOs and the Challenge of Disruptive Technologies’ and will be attended by more than 289 delegates representing 163 Companies including 211 CIOs, IT Heads, C-Level Executives and IT Managers. The delegates included CIOs, CISO, Director, IT Heads, Senior Managers, IT Managers, Industry Experts, Decision Makers, Policy Makers and Academia.