Karachi:Justice Helpline President Nadeem A Sheikh here Wednesday said that proper road safety awareness is a must to check accidents and ensure safe traveling and commuting.

He said Pakistan is amongst the countries where the ration of fatal roads accidents is very high and it is responsibility of the citizens and government to take steps for make our roads and streets safer and secure. He said the road accidents of bikers are common and they are also dangerous so efforts are needed to train bikers, who are mostly youngsters, to respect road rules and traffic laws. He said private and public transport vehicles should be run following strictly the road safety rules. He said heavy transport especially goods trucks and trailers also adopt road safety measure for the benefits of whole society.

He said soon we will hold a road safety conference in Islamabad and such programs would also be held in other cities. He said in this regard we have met with federal communication secretary Shoab Ahmed Siddiqui who has also assured his full cooperation in holding the road safety moot. He said involving students and educational institutions in measures to improve road safety would offer maximum benefits in making our roads and streets safer for drivers, commuters and pedestrians.