British Airways on Sunday resumed service to Pakistan after a more than decade long hiatus.

BA stopped flying to Pakistan in 2008 after a suicide bombing attack that killed more than 50 people at a Marriott Hotel in the capital, Islamabad.

The attack was one of many during a period of Islamist militant violence in Pakistan. BA said at the time that it would suspend operation to the South Asian country, declaring: “We will not compromise on the safety of our customers, staff or planes.”

But security situation has since improved and BA dispatched its first direct flight from London Heathrow to Islamabad on Sunday, becoming the only western airline to serve Pakistan.

Until now, Pakistan’s national airline, PIA, was the only carrier to fly directly from Britain. Some Middle Eastern airlines, includingQatar, Etihad, Emirates and Turkish Airlines, also provide service to the country.

Pakistan’s economy has been weakened by years of political unrest and international isolation over state-sponsored terrorism. The government of Prime Minister Imran Khan is hoping the return ofBritish Airways to the country’s skies will send a positive signal to other international carriers.

Source: Voice of America