LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Sardar Usman Buzdar regretted that the opposition was trying to politically destabilize the country which would harm the composite development process.

In a statement issued on Monday, the CM asserted that the politics aimed to create chaos were against national interest as the country was on the track of development. There was a need to create unity instead of holding a march or no-confidence move, he maintained, and observed that every Pakistani should give priority to the national interest.

The chief minister said that Prime Minister Imran Khan always gave top importance to the national interest on every occasion, while the opposition’s political maneuverings revolved around their personal stakes. Chief Minister Buzdar said that every ‘undemocratic tactic’ would be fully countered and the government would complete its constitutional term, adding that the stunt of ‘no confidence’ would soon fail and fizzle out.