LAHORE:Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar in his message on Saraiki Culture Day said that he congratulates all brothers and sisters inhabiting the Saraiki area on the eve of culture day.

In a statement on Sunday, Saraiki Culture Day like Baloch Culture Day is also being celebrated across Punjab with zeal and fervour, he added. He stated that Saraiki Culture is deep- rooted and Saraiki Ajrak is an ancient symbol of the region.

CM maintained that Saraiki civilization is the mixture of love, affection, unanimity and courtesy. He remarked that Saraiki songs and literature in lieu of their distinctive recognition are popular across the globe including Pakistan. Usman Buzdar outlined that Saraiki literature clearly manifests reflection of Saraiki culture.

He highlighted that Saraiki language is filled with politeness and sweetness. He underscored that an awareness to the regional customs and rituals is imparted by celebrating regional culture days. CM emphasized that Punjab government in order to promote brotherhood and unity in the provine is celebrating regional culture days. CM stressed that the aim of PTI government is to cement the hearts and minds instead of creating isolation and distance among the people.