Islamabad, August 08, 2019 (PPI-OT): The Standing Committee on Interior, in a meeting on Thursday, unanimously passed resolution condemning India’s illegal move of altering the disputed status of India Occupied Kashmir (IOK). In his opening remarks, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator A. Rehman Malik said PM Narendra Modi’s actions against the innocent and armless people in occupied Kashmir were tantamount to “war crimes’’ therefore he urges the government of Pakistan to go in International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Narendra Modi for crimes against humanity. He said that Indian Forces under Prime Minister Modi had already crossed all limits of humanity by violating the human rights in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK).

He said that by annulling the disputed status of Indian Occupied Kashmir, PM Narendra Modi has violated the UNSC resolutions and international laws of which his country is a member. He said that the deployment of extra forces and the use of cluster ammunition to target the civilian population was violation of the Geneva Convention and international human rights laws. He said ”By all such moves, Narendra Modi wants to change the demography of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) and convert the Muslim majority into minority”. He said that Modi is a butcher of Gujrat, a terrorist, a financer and protector of fugitive who was among the top ten on terrorists list.

Senator Rehman Malik presented the resolution which was unanimously passed by the committee. He read the resolution as. The Senate Standing Committee on Interior condemns the illegal and immoral act of altering the disputed status of IOK by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Government which is a sheer violation of the UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir. India as a Member of United Nations was not entitled to bring such legislation and UNO must take a serious notice of this illegal and immoral action of Indian government, immediately.

The Committee urges that the Government of Pakistan should go to International Court of Justice highlighting the violations of human rights, brutalities, atrocities and genocide of Muslims population in Kashmir and it is a fit case for Indian Prime Minister Modi to be tried as a War Criminal of the mass killing by the Indian Army troops duly backed by the anti-Kashmiri policies of PM Modi.

The Committee also condemns the alarming increase in indiscriminate and unprovoked cross-border firing and cluster bombing on innocent civilians by the Indian Forces at the LOC. Pakistan is passing through the most sensitive and crucial times and the Parliament and the people of Pakistan stand with Kashmiris in their legitimate freedom struggle and we are proud of Pak Army who is defending the motherland with their professional excellence in the present circumstances”.

The committee members strongly urged the government of Pakistan to go to the International Court of Justice against India and also highlight the violation of human rights, brutalities, atrocities and genocide of the Muslim population in Kashmir world by sending delegations to different countries. The committee stated that it was a fit case for PM Narendra Modi to be tried as a war criminal of the mass killing by the Indian Army troops backed by the anti-Kashmir policies of PM Modi.

Senator A. Rehman Malik said that Pakistan is passing through the most sensitive and crucial times of its history and the Parliament and the people of Pakistan firmly stand with the people of Kashmir in their legitimate freedom struggle. He said that the committee strongly commend the efforts and sacrifices of the Pakistan Army and the entire nation stands beside armed forces. He said that the Committee would arrange a visit of the Line of Control (LoC) so that each member could show their solidarity with the brave soldiers of Pakistan Armed Forces.

While taking up the issue of the amount allocated and released for Frontier Constabulary (FC) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during the current fiscal year and the non-payment of salaries to 1597 personnel, The Committee was informed that PKR 1000 billion was to be paid in 3 month in salaries. Chairman Committee directed Secretary Interior that payment of salaries be made to affected FC personnel immediately. He said that FC KP sacrifices and efforts in marinating peace are highly commendable and it is unfair that their personnel are not getting their due salaries.

Considering the point of Public Importance regarding ban imposed by CDA on utility connections in rural areas of ICT, the Committee was informed that regulations are being finalized for all such areas. Chairman Committee, Senator Abdul Rehman Malik suspended further discussion on this agenda item until regulations were in place. He directed the CDA to complete all policy-making within two months.

Taking up suo moto notice regarding sale of dead chicken and animals in Islamabad, the Committee was informed there was a slight hitch in starting a slaughter house in Islamabad as this would come under MC Administration. The Committee Chairman Senator A. Rehman Malik directed Chairman CDA to construct a slaughter house as soon as possible and hand it over to Municipal Corporation Administration (MCA) to run. The Committee was informed that the Islamabad Food Authority is in the process of finalization and the committee directions in this regard will be helpful to start the construction of slaughter house in Islamabad.

While taking up the issue of imposition of condition of CNIC on purchases over PKR 50000, Chairman Committee, Senator Abdul Rehman Malik directed that Chairman FBR be summoned in the next meeting to discuss details. The Committee recommended that the limit of purchase be increased from 50000 to 300000 and there should be relaxation for females in providing their CNIC.

Chaired by Senator Abdul Rehman Malik, the meeting was attended by Senator Kalsoom Parveen, Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi, Senator Asad Ali Khan Junejo, Senator Rana Maqbool Ahmed, Senator Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, Senator Behramand Tangi, Senator Dr. Shahzad Waseem and senior officers from the Ministry of Interior, CDA along with all concerned. Minister for Interior, Mr. Ijaz Ahmed Shah was also present.

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